PoSig history

Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance

The Erasmus+ Project: “Curriculum Development joint European Political Science MA (euroPS)” led by University of Salzburg – Department of Political Science and Sociology, aims to develop a joint/multiple MA in Political Science to be accredited at all project partner and the development of a multilateral management of this MA. The project aims at implementing a multilateral Joint/Multiple Degree (JD) for Political Science on the MA level (120 ECTS) with diploma supplement for all participating partners on a European standard. As modernization and Europeanisation project it will support reflecting and enhancing standards at European Union partners and Western Balkan partners and intensify regular academic exchange of good practice and sustainable networking between EU-WB partners but especially between WB. The project will run for two years, October 2015 – September 2017.
The project aims at implementing a MULTILATERAL Joint/Multiple Degree (JD) for Political Science on the MA level (120 ECTS) with diploma supplement for all participating partners on a European standard. As modernization and Europeanisation project it will support reflecting and enhancing standards at EU partners and WB partners and intensify regular academic exchange of good practice and sustainable networking between EU-WB partners but especially between WB

The consortium of EuroPS will open up the first admission applications for Joint Master in Political Science, Integration and Governance (PoSIG). You can read more about the joint master at the PoSIG Flyer

Project No. 561485-EPP- 1-2015—1- AT-EPPKA2- CBHE-JP

Funding: Erasmus+ Programme KA2 Capacity Building in Higher Education of the
European Union
Project Start: 15.10.2015
Project End: 14.10.2017

Read more at the Erasmus+ Link www.euro-ps.org

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