Members of EuroPS consortium offer full support to their students in terms of several services.
For more on student services and Erasmus in each partner please follow the below listed links
“Paris Lodron” University of Salzburg (PLUS)
Università degli studi di Trieste | (
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
European University of Tirana (UET)
University of Tirana: Faculty of Social Sciences (UNITIR)
University of Montenegro (
University of Business and Technology (UBT)
Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST)
If you want to know more about the Erasmus+ Programme and specifically on Student exchanges you can refer to the external link of Erasmus+ Guideline
The EuroPS pays special attention to the students and their professional progress. This section will be updated regularly with latest internship and/or student conferences and it is entirely dedicated to serve the needs of students’ professional development. The following external links offer potential internship opportunities for students of Political Sciences and are published annually on the regular basis. The choice of such links is without prejudice to other opportunities and their selection is done by taking into account the potential profile of prospective joint master students’.
European Committee of the Regions
European Centre for Modern Languages