Frequently Asked Questions

Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance

PoSIG Admission Requirements

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) is a system to accumulate and transfer acquired credits. “Its objective is to facilitate the planning, delivery and evaluation of study programmes and student mobility by recognising learning achievements and qualifications and periods of learning “ (ECTS users guide, 2015). The ECTS is widely used by European universities on graduate and post-graduate level. According to this system, one year of graduate university studies generally corresponds to 60 ECTS.  Bachelor Degrees (BA) correspond anywhere from 180 to 240 ECTS credits, while Master Degrees correspond from 60 to 120 credits. In order to apply for PoSIG, applicants should have acquired a minimum of 180 ECTS credits in a respective field of study: in political science or closely related field. Also, applicants should have acquired at least 15 ECTS credits from methodology courses in a respective field of study.

More details on ECTS are available here.

More details on PoSIG requirements at Admissions

If you do not fulfil the methodology requirements, you can take additional courses in your first year of study at the University of Salzburg.

A list of methodology courses available at the University of Salzburg (PLUS) can be found below:

University of Salzburg (PLUS) (all courses in German):

  • ForschungsdesignPolitikwissenschaft (Lecture with 3 ECTS, spring term);
  • Qualitative Methodology (Seminar with 6 ECTS, spring term);
  • Quantitative Methodology in Social Sciences (Lecture with 3 ECTS, winter term);
  • Quantitative Methodology in Political Science (Seminar with 6 ECTS, winter term).

To obtain the specification, the applicant should refer to the issuing institution (university, other educational authority), and request this document or a list of attended courses (official transcripts of records).

If the diploma/degree-granting institution is not in a position to specify the number of ECTS credits related to the course in question, it should at least provide indications on an alternative credit system (and how to convert it into the ECTS system) or summarise key information on the relevant course (duration, workload, supervision, individual research/preparation) so that the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board has sufficient information to make a comparative assessment.

If possible, please attach a Diploma supplement to your application as well. You must attach the transcripts of records.

Due to the specific multilateral governance and uniqueness of our Master’s programme, which takes place at EU universities for the first year and in one of the Western Balkan partner universities for the second year, transfers from other universities and recognition and/or transfer of previous credits to PoSIG is not straightforward. You can apply and the  the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board will inform you on the decision based on the compatibility of programmes and placements available for PoSIG.

The Joint Master in Political Science – Integration and Governance carries 120 ECTS and can be completed in two years of study.

Applicants are required to hold a first cycle degree from an accredited university in the fields of political science or a closely related field and must have acquired a minimum of 180 ECTS. Applications should have at least 15 ECTS of methodology courses, to be proved with their application. For more information, please check Admissions.

Please send a copy of your diploma, your diploma supplement and the transcript of records with your application and you will be informed if you are accepted or if you are accepted with conditions. At least two fields of specialization that you are planning to choose within the PoSIG curriculum as well as 15 ECTS credits of methodology courses have to be covered with courses taken during previous level of study. In case of doubt, you can also contact the PoSIG Executive Director here.

Yes, if you are in your final year of studies. In your application, please provide your current transcript of records and specify in your motivation statement and CV when you are expected to graduate. Admittance to the programme is conditional upon the completion of your studies prior to the beginning of the new academic year (31 August 2017). If selected, please note that you will have to provide us with the originals of your university degree and transcript of records by end of August

No, you are not. The PoSIG Coordinators’ Board will evaluate your application. You can apply for the master, but please make sure to specify the reasons for wishing to pursue an additional master’s in your motivation statement.

There are no restrictions. Grades represent only one of the evaluation criteria. Other different assessment criteria are used for the selection (type of degree, English language proficiency, experience, motivation). Therefore, good marks at the BA level lead to better chances to get the PoSIG placement. The PoSIG Coordinators’ Board will evaluate all the applications.

Yes, shortlisted candidates that fulfill the entry requirements will be contacted via e-mail to book an interview with the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board. The interview will take place after the deadline for applications, most probably at the end of May 2017. The interview will be in English and conducted via Skype. Check your e-mails regularly for notifications from the PoSIG Team.

The universities providing the PoSIG program agreed on intending to give the joint degree of Master of Arts (MA), but each university can give its own degree as a Master of Science (MSc) depending on its legal background.

Certified fluency in English is an admission requirement for the PoSIG master’s degree.  You need to submit an English language certificate (Level B2) or proof that BA-level studies included at least 2 semesters in English. Candidates who are accepted conditionally also have to prove a working knowledge of German to allow for the completion of courses in the first year of study. This applies to cases in which students must take additional courses from the Bachelor programs in Salzburg that are taught in the local language (see methodology requirements).

We suggest that selected applicants take the English test very seriously, so that language will not be a learning obstacle. Preferred certificates for English language skills are Cambridge English: First, Cambridge English: Advanced, and Cambridge English: Proficiency certificates (TOEFL or IELTS Academic). TOEFL and IELTS test scores must have been obtained in the last 2 years. We also accept other certificates as long as they are proof of fluency in English and have been obtained in the last 2 years. The minimum level required is B2, and scores are shown below:

IELTS Academic = 5.5 – 6.5

TOEFL IBT = 60-93

First (FCE) – First Certificate in English (Level B2)

If you completed a degree by taking courses for at least two semesters in English, you do not have to provide a language certificate. Please submit proof of this by submitting relevant documents, such as a transcript of records.

English is the official working language of PoSIG. Exam questions are to be answered in English. It is the sole responsibility of each student to possess an adequate level of English to complete a Master’s degree in English. The EUROPS/PoSIG consortium does not provide any language courses for selected students.

Only candidates who are accepted conditionally will have to prove German to allow the completion of their conditions in the first year, since these courses in Salzburg are taught in the local language. For more, see the section on methodology requirements.

The entire application, including the motivation and the CV, must be submitted in English. Please also include a non-certified English translation of the required proofs if the original certificates were not issued in English. All documents have to be submitted as instructed at the PoSIG Application Platform.

PoSIG does not apply any age limit.

The Joint Master’s Programme in Political Science – Integration and Governance (PoSIG) represents a shared academic ambition and cooperation of the EuroPS consortium. The implementation of this curriculum is regulated by an institutional agreement signed by the EuroPS partner institutions.

For more information on that, see the PoSIG Curriculum.

No, EUROPS /PoSIG is not part of the Erasmus Mundus consortium of institutions.

The PoSIG Executive Director is Dr. Franz Kok, University of Salzburg. You can contact him here.

You can contact all other local coordinators at each partner university here.

EuroPS is the acronym of the Erasmus+ project “Curriculum Development for Joint Master in European Political Science”, funded by the programme Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education by the European Commission in 2015. EUROPS consortium is the group of universities from EU and Western Balkans that worked in the past years to develop the joint master PoSIG.

PoSIG is the acronym of the joint master in Political Science – Integration and Governance, which came as a result of the project EuroPS. The consortium of partners is still the same, expect from University of Pavia that was part of EuroPS, but is not longer formally part of PoSIG.

More on EuroPS and PoSIG partners can be found here.

The Coordinators’ Board is composed of the Executive Director and all other local coordinators from each partner institution from the European Union and Western Balkans. It is in charge of the management of this master programme.

You can contact the Coordinators’ Board here.

How to apply

A transcript of records, or transcript of exams, is a list of all courses you have taken and passed and all the marks you respectively received during your university career. It provides information about your academic background. Usually, it is the university secretariat/registrar, which issues this certificate upon student’s request.

If you have studied in Europe you will also have to present the related Diploma Supplement(s). This is an internationally approved document (usually issued both in a local language and in English) which, following a template developed and approved by the Council of Europe, provides a description of the nature, level, context, content, learning outcomes and status of the studies you successfully completed.

During the application procedure, normal photocopies are accepted. Please also include a non-certified English translation of the required proofs, if the original certificates were not issued in English.

If selected, you will have to provide the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board with originals or certified copies of your university degree, diploma supplement and transcript of records. Concerning passports, a normal copy will suffice.

Reference letters should be written on the university header and include full details (name, position, email, mobile, address) and the signature of the person making the declaration. The letters must be addressed to the attention of the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board. They should be in English and submitted as scanned copies. Please keep the originals in case you are selected.

It is preferable to hand in at least one academic reference letter. However, should it be difficult for the applicant to trace their professors after a long time or to have a professional referee in the absence of practical experience, the PoSIG Coordinators’ Board will accept two letters coming from a field that is of relevance to the application in question (relevance in terms of political science expertise, motivation to perform Political Science – Integration and Governance studies, etc.).

Yes. Applicants completing the degree entry requirements prior to the application deadline are requested to provide a current transcript of exams by 31 August 2017. Their offer will be conditional until they provide the original or officially certified copies of their diploma.

The Coordinators’ Board of the participating universities will decide about the ranking of the candidates and a waiting list based on the assessment and the selection criteria.

The fee of 35€ will cover the administrative costs of processing applications. The application-processing fee is non-refundable. This also refers to applications that are not successful. You can pay it via a bank transfer or through an online secure payment via PayPal. For more see the Apply Now section.

Career Opportunities

PoSIG alumni will have a unique academic profile. This profile draws on the fields of specialization, the international body of students and lecturers and an individual mobility path between the EU and Western Balkan partners. A compulsory internship will ensure practical experience. In this context, the alumni will acquire specific expertise about the conditions for social, economic, and political processes in the Western Balkans.

Through their master’s thesis projects, students are encouraged to carry out innovative research relevant for social, economic and political development of the region. With the acquired knowledge, graduates will be able to contribute to the political debate and to processes related to Europeanization.

The typical professional fields of graduates of the Joint Master’s Programme in Political Science – Integration and Governance include:

  • employment at local and national levels, including public administration, parliaments and political parties, non-governmental organizations, interest groups and trade unions, the business sector, media and public relations;
  • employment in international organizations, foreign services (careers in diplomacy), in institutions of the European Union and in international profit and nonprofit organizations, development agencies and NGOs;
  • employment in the field of civic and political education (foundations, academies, educational institutes, etc.);
  • academic careers (teaching and research at universities and research institutions).

For more see Student Info.

PoSIG offers a comprehensive master’s course with an in-depth academic curriculum that covers theories, concepts and various methodological approaches used in political science studies. Furthermore, through specialized research methods seminars and thesis seminars. PoSIG prepares students to conduct independent postgraduate research and as such is ideal for potential PhD candidates. All participating universities accept the PoSIG degree as an entrance qualification for their PhD programs.

For more see Student Info.

Regarding formal requirements, PoSIG fulfills all the criteria and as such all other Universities can accept PoSIG students for a PhD program. However, the rest depends on their individual selection criteria.

Fees & Financial Issues

The participating universities follow their individual tuition fee policy for PoSIG. Because PoSIG students can decide about their fields of specialization within the curriculum and the universities they want to attend during the two-year program, the tuition fee depends on the selected universities. This means that students have to pay the tuition fee as required by the university they choose to attend each semester/year. These are the participation costs (tuition fee, registration etc.) at the different PoSIG partner institutions to be paid to institutions at which a student intends to study during one or more semesters (in €):

PoSIG–Partner University and PoSIG Participation Cost Tuition fee per semester 

(in Euro)

Other fees/semester 

(in Euro)

Living costs per month (approximately) 

(in Euro)

University of Salzburg (PLUS)(For Students from non-EU countries) 

(For EU countries)



18,70Student Union (in all PoSIG terms) 900,00
University of Trieste
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM) 600,00 60,00650 Euro for Master Thesis 400,00
European University of Tirana (UET) 1.250,00 500,00 400,00
University of Tirana (UTIR) 500,00 15,00 400,00
FAMA College (FAMA) – Prishtina 1.200,00  0,00 300,00
University of Business and Technology (UBT) – Prishtina 750,00  0,00 300,00
University of Sarajevo (UNSA) 256,50 80,00 600,00
Sarajevo School of Science Technology (SSST) 2.250,00  0,00 600,00

For the University of Salzburg: The tuition fee does not cover teaching materials as hard copies and books.

For Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje: tuition fee does not cover teaching materials in hard copies and books. Tuition fee does, however, cover membership to the library of the Institute.

Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST): tuition fee does not cover teaching materials (books and readers). This amounts to an additional 150 euros per semester. Tuition fee does cover membership in the library and registration fee, as well as thesis fee.

For more details on tuition fees in participating universities please check:

“Paris Lodron” University of Salzburg (PLUS)

University of Trieste

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

European University of Tirana (UET)

University of Tirana: Faculty of Social Sciences (UNITIR)

University of Business and Technology (UBT)

University of Sarajevo (UNSA)

Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST)

You will be informed about the details on how and when to pay your tuition fee after you receive the admission letter of the receiving PoSIG University to be attended for the first year and subsequently for all other universities for the second year.

Some PoSIG participating universities have specific additional fees for registration, student union membership etc. These fees are listed in the participation costs table. For more, please see Financial Info.

It depends on each university, for example you might need to cover individual teaching material as hard copies and costs for excursions depending on your course selection.

The participating universities provide scholarships within the existing Erasmus exchange contracts based on the Erasmus and Erasmus+ Credit Mobility. Local coordinators can provide information about these grants and the number of placements available. The participating universities permanently increasing their grant agreements and informing about this at their website.

For more on Erasmus+ Credit Mobility at each partner institution, please follow the links listed below:

“Paris Lodron” University of Salzburg (PLUS)

University of Trieste

Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje

European University of Tirana (UET)

University of Tirana: Faculty of Social Sciences (UNITIR)

University of Business and Technology (UBT)

University of Sarajevo (UNSA)

University of Montenegro (UNIPAGE)

Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST)

For contacting local PoSIG coordinators please refer to Contact Coordinators.

Yes. Participating universities provide financial assistance, scholarships and support for external funding.

For more check Student Useful Links.

Participating universities will also offer their services to PoSIG students in the same way that these are provided for all other exchange students. You will need to contact each university that you choose to attend in order to get more details. This will occur after you have been notified about your admission to PoSIG.

For more check Student Useful Links.