University of Sarajevo (UNSA)
The University of Sarajevo (UNSA) is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a public university, covering almost all fields through over 100 study programmes and over 200 departments, with around 45.000 students. In terms of organisation, the University o Sarajevo today is a large and complex public institution, comprising 30 organisational units: 22 faculties, 3 academies, and 5 research institutes, in six areas of academic work: social science, humanities, medicine, technical studies, science, bio-technology and art. Associate members of the University include the National and University Library of BiH, Gazi Husrev-bey’s Library and the National Museum, as well as other units. In May 2013, pursuant to the Framework Law on Higher Education in BiH and the Law on Higher Education in the Sarajevo Canton, the Senate of the University of Sarajevo adopted a new Statute and thus took a bold step forward, moving from a loose association of faculties towards a university organised in a way shaped by relevant European traditions. The educational process is organized according to the Bologna principles. University of Sarajevo has extensive experience in TEMPUS projects dealing with such areas as Governance Reform, Quality Assurance, Curriculum Development, IT, E-infrastructure, distance learning among others. UNSA is internationally oriented and its intention is to become fully integrated into the EHEA, but preserving its academic tradition and academic culture heritage. UNSA has shared its practices in numerous FP and ERASMUS Mundus projects as well. UNSA is partner in the EMA2 project: Basileus, JoinEU-SEE PENTA, Sigma (Agile), Euroweb(+), Eraweb, GreenTech and Sunbeam.
Further information on the UNSA is available via the following link (in English):
For additional details on the Political Science Department of the UNSA, please refer to the following link (in Bosnian):
To access all relevant information on PoSiG at UNSA, please visit the following link:
Students interested in undertaking their PoSiG semester/year at UNSA can access all relevant information, including details of the courses available, contact persons and guidelines for enrolment and MA Thesis defense on the PoSiG@FPN/UNSA page:
Nedzma Dzananovic
Project Coordinator
University of Sarajevo
Nedžma Džananović is a former diplomat and now professor at the University of Sarajevo’s Faculty of Political Science. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science, Master degree in European Studies from London School of Economics and Political Science and University of Bologna, as well as a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Sarajevo. The courses she teaches include: Diplomacy, Political System of the EU, EU Foreign Policy, Multilateral Diplomacy and International Organizations. She is one of the leading Bosnian experts in diplomacy and EU integration and a researcher with considerable experience in international research projects. Also serves as an international expert for the quality review and evaluation of research projects in her areas of expertise. She has been involved in the development and management of the PoSIG program since 2014.
Dr Sarina Bakić
Quality Management
Dr Sarina Bakić is an associate professor at the Department of Sociology, at the University of Sarajevo Faculty of Political Science and Head of the Department of Sociology. Her core scientific field is the sociology of culture and art, aesthetics and politics, international cultural relations/cultural diplomacy and various phenomena of mass culture. She is an author of the book Controversies of Cultural Reception and co-author of the books Understanding Society and Peace Potentials of Religion and Interreligious Dialogue as the Tool for Improvement of Political Dialogue in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is an author of the chapter for Bosnia and Herzegovina Women’s Lives Worldwide, Volume 4: Europe, published by CLIO Greenwood Press. Also, she is one of the authors of the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology: Sociology in Bosnia and Herzegovina, edited by George Ritzer and Chris Rojak. Sarina Bakić is engaged in several projects as the project coordinator and member of the project’s team, an author of numerous scientific articles and chapters published in national and international scientific publications. She was officially awarded by the University of Sarajevo for her scientific work in 2021.
Damir Kapidzic
Comparative Politics
Damir Kapidzic is an Assistant Professor of Comparative Politics at the Faculty of Political Science of the University of Sarajevo. He studied political science and international relations in Berlin, Potsdam and Sarajevo and received his PhD from the University of Sarajevo. His research focuses on formal and informal institutions in multiethnic states, especially the legitimation of democratic and authoritarian politics, institutionalization of ethnicity through electoral and party politics, and forms of hybrid governance and the legitimacy of resulting public authority. He has published several journal articles (Ethnopolitics, Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, Croatian International Relations Review) and book chapters on democracy and institutions in post-conflict and multi-ethnic states. He was a researcher with the LSE-based Justice and Security Research Programme, and the Uni Fribourg-RRPP Balkan Comparative Electoral Study. He teaches and writes in Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian, English, and German.
Nedzma Dzananovic
European Integration
Valida Repovac Niksic
Political Theory
Valida Repovac Niksic is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo. Previously, she worked in the Directorate for European Integration, Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated with a Bachelor´s degree from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo. Her Master´s thesis was done in the area of Political philosophy within the European Regional Master Program in Democracy and Human Rights in South-East Europe, University of Sarajevo, University of Bologna. During the academic year 2010-2011, she was a visiting Ph.D. Candidate within the Fulbright Program at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2014, Valida obtained a Ph.D. in Sociology at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo. Her field of research interests involves political philosophy, political theory, critical social theory. Her work focuses on cosmopolitanism, multiculturalism, nationalism, discrimination, new racism. At the Faculty, she teaches within the Sociology Department (BA and MA courses, Contemporary theories of Nations and Nationalism, The Sociology of Poverty) and the International Relations Department (MA course, The Sociology of Globalization). Currently she is an Editor in Chief of Sarajevo Social Science Review. Valida speaks French and English.
Valida Repovac Niksic
Poltiical Theory
Valida Repovac Niksic is an Assistant professor at the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo. Her field of research interests involves Political Sociology, Political Theory, Critical Social Theory. Her work focuses on cosmopolitanism, nationalism, new racism. She teaches at the Sociology Department (BA and MA courses, Theories of Nationalism, The Sociology of Poverty) and at the International Relations Department (MA course, The Sociology of Globalization).
Esref Kenan Rasdagic
International Relations
Dr. Ešref Kenan Rašidagić is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Sarajevo. He obtained his bachelor’s from the International Islamic University Malaysia, master degree from the American University of Beirut, and PhD from the University of Sarajevo. Rašidagić is teaching subjects related to international relations and European integrations. His field of research includes political Islam, post-conflict transition, and dynamics of interplay between international assistance and local actors in various conflict and post-conflict settings. Dr. Rašidagić has also worked as consultant for various international organizations and public institutions, and managed several large-scale reform and restructuring projects in BiH. He is frequent speaker in international conferences and contributor to several studies, articles and author of several books on the topics within his field of interest. In pursuance of his academic interests, Dr. Rašidagić was affiliated with several universities in BiH, Britain, Hungary and Malaysia as lecturer, research or visiting fellow.
Sead Turcalo
Methodology and Project Management
Dr. Sead Turčalo is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Peace and Security Studies, and Vice Dean for Research at the Faculty of Political Science, University of Sarajevo. Dr. Turčalo received his PhD in security studies from University of Sarajevo. His main areas of academic interest include geopolitics, international security, peace studies, and international conflict management. He is the author and co-author of several articles and book chapters on topics of state-building, the role of international community in post-conflict societies, geopolitics, and euroatlantic integration of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He teaches and writes in Bosnian, German, and English.