Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance


This work package aims at managing the development of the Joint Degree. The kick-off Meeting was held in Tirana and euroPS started workshops with all faculty members of the project partners organized by the local coordinator. Lead Partner presented the project opportunities for the institution, staff and students. The projects information platform is presented and the enclosed social media network is working.


The aim of this working package is the elaboration of a Joint Degree governance system. This governance system will include rules, procedures and institutional responsibilities. A Board of academic coordinators as steering and decision body will be defined and Boards for Quality Management and Student Affairs will be defined as supervisory bodies for the coordinators board.


The aim of this working package is to support and supervise the curriculum development and application for accreditation of the coordinators in the second working package and the module experts in work packages from 4 to 9. It also aims at developing quality managers’ capacities by training the members of the Quality Manager Board.


The aim of this working package is to deal with the teachers’ seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to provide a workshop of all participating teachers and trainers in February 2016 and following two weeks of the teachers’ training seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to provide a workshop of all participating teachers and trainers in February 2016 and following two weeks of the teachers’ training seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to provide a workshop of all participating teachers and trainers in February 2016 and following two weeks of the teachers’ training seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to provide a workshop of all participating teachers and trainers in February 2016 and following two weeks of the teachers’ training seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to provide a workshop of all participating teachers and trainers in February 2016 and following two weeks of the teachers’ training seminar for this module, defining a module description (including academic content, teaching materials, didactic methodology, and definition of workload and learning outcomes). It will also manage the Seminars of Excellence at the Western Balkan partner implementing courses in 2017. It will reassure that the academic and didactic conditions for courses of project partner, accountable for this module will be in accordance with the requirements of Joint Degree management.


The aim of this working package is to deal with the dissemination process. The dissemination and exploitation of results will focus on the university internal, regional and international social stake holder (students, labour market, political institutions and media) and the national and international scientific community. The main documents and arguments will be developed in cooperative work of the PP, the local and regional appearance of the Joint Degree program will be dominated by the PP with inclusion of international network partner.


The Quality Plan is divided in four sub-fields to be monitored: communication among partners, teachers and students, equivalence of methodologies and administrative procedures, financial audit. The quality of communication will be evaluated by a questionnaire that is to be filled in three times during the project by project coordinators in the participating institutions, teachers and students.

WP11 Final Report can be found here


This working package will assure optimal implementation of the projects aims and activities: Development and constant optimization of project management, processes and partner coordination as well as financial management and reporting obligations will be done to reach the project objectives and results.