About PoSIG

Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance

About PoSIG

PoSIG is a  two-year Master’s programme of 120 ECTS credits covering all fields of political science. The programme offers participants the unique opportunity to study in Austria, Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Italy, North Macedonia or Kosovo. PoSIG is open to all international students who have completed a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and have a certain level of methodological training.

For the participating university teachers, PoSIG is also an opportunity to discuss the further development of the standards in teaching Political Science in Europe.


PoSIG partner institutions

University of Salzburg (PLUS)

Ss.Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM)

European University of Tirana (UET)

University of Tirana (UT)

University for Business and Technology (UBT)

University of Sarajevo (UNSA)

Sarajevo School of Science and Technology (SSST)

University of Trieste (UTri)

University of Prishtina (UP)

University of Montenegro (UMO) – in preparation


General information about PoSIG

PoSIG offers modules in all areas of political science:

  • Comparative Politics
  • European Integration
  • International Relations Public
  • Administration and Policy
  • Political Theory

The joint degree is awarded by all universities a student attends during the two-year study programme.

PoSIG combines knowledge about integration policies in a globalized world with knowledge about the needs for good governance necessary for the management of integration in domestic politics.

PoSIG is a demanding programme to students. As an entrance criteria they need a Bachelor in Political Science or in International Relation and a strong will for academic mobility during their two PoSIG years. PoSIG is entirely taught in English.

The programme combines methodology and theory driven academic teaching with reality based and student-centred research connecting to the world of policy making an its needs.

PoSIG students are committed to responsibility of the Next Europe Generation and supported in their carrier with internships at associated international organizations as www.rcc.orgwww.cei.orgwww.institut-ire.euwww.unodc.org, and www.rycowb.org .

PoSIG is not only teaching about a European model of multilateral politics but is also a multilateral consortium of universities granting highest academic recognition and quality of teaching and management with European accreditation by AQ Austria (2017) and ZeVA (2024).

Details regarding the application process, course programme etc. can be found on this website and also on www.facebook.com/posig

You can also have a look on our  PoSIG Flyer.