Month: September 2016

Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance

Summary Workshop Autumn 2016 in Tirana

EuroPS is developing and progressing smoothly. Therefore, in the framework of preparations, on 28th September the summary workshop at was organized the premises of the European University of Tirana. Dr. Franz Kok, the Project Leader of our EuroPS Joint Master in Political reported on the project progress up to autumn 2016, as well as introduced the…
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Quality Management meeting in Skopje

The Euro-PS staff held its following activity during 28 th of September until 2 nd of October at the premises of the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research of the University of “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, in Skopje. The meeting focused on quality management and establishing ways to develop a quality management handbook. The handbook provides a…
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