Yerevan State University

Joint Master's Programme Political Science – Integration & Governance


Currently about 14000 students study in 17 faculties of the university. More than 400 foreign students study at YSU. Today in addition to the mentioned 17 faculties, the University also has 4 scientific-educational institutes, and more than 13 research centers and various large laboratories. YSU offers about 60 bachelor’s, more than 110 master’s and from 70 to 80 postgraduate programs annually. The University has more than 1350 lecturers including about 180 Professors, more than 560 Associate professors.

YSU is the top national university for science and technology in Armenia. In 2024 YSU staff published about 600 Scopus and more than 320 Web of science publications. Thanks to highly qualified teaching staff, the university conducts important fundamental and applied research in various fields of modern science. YSU is the leader of university educational reforms in Armenia, including reforms in administration, management, curricular reforms, having introduced Quality Assurance system comparable with ENQA standards.

Yerevan State University has agreements with more than 230 universities and scientific centers of about 55 countries. The examples of cooperation include cooperation with Arizona State University (USA), University of Rostock, University of Trier, Humboldt University (Germany), INALCO, Paul Valerie Montpellier 3 University (France), University of Florence, Ca Foscari University of Venice (Italy), Warsaw University (Poland) and others.

YSU offers 12 double degrees master’s programs with partner universities.

YSU together with partner universities implements double degree master’s programs in the fields of biology, physics, economics, jurisprudence, philology, international relations, pharmacy, informatics and applied mathematics.

Within the framework of the implementation of “Erasmus+” programs, YSU cooperates with 70+ universities of 20 EU countries, giving students the opportunity to study in the best universities of Spain, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Poland and other countries of the European Union.

Over the past three years, YSU has participated in more than 100 international grant programs involving about 400 staff. Today YSU is widely involved in various international programs. YSU is the member of the International Association of Universities, European University Association, Association of Eurasian Universities, Black Sea University Network, Alliance Universites Francaises.

YSU Student dormitory was renovated in 2019. The dormitory can accommodate 66 single, 47 double, 8 triple, 4 quadruple rooms. The rooms are furnished and comfortable, have a bathroom with shared kitchens. Safety rules are observed, access to transport is provided.

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