Summary Workshop Autumn 2016 in Tirana

Summary Workshop Autumn 2016 in Tirana

EuroPS is developing and progressing smoothly. Therefore, in the framework of preparations, on 28th September the summary workshop at was organized the premises of the European University of Tirana. Dr. Franz Kok, the Project Leader of our EuroPS Joint Master in Political reported on the project progress up to autumn 2016, as well as introduced the plan of activities for the upcoming year. Dr. Kok shared this information with the representatives of University of Tirana, Faculty of Social Sciences and the representatives of UET and with the participation of the UET Rector, Prof. Dr. Tonin Gjuraj. Good news arrives from Salzburg as the Joint Master will be accredited in November in Salzburg, Austria. Such event translates also in recognition of this accreditation by the Ministry of Education Albania. Albanian partners, namely UET and Faculty of Social Sciences of University of Tirana will manage local communications with the state authorities.

During the meeting it was explained the Structure of curriculum as stated below:

Module 1: Political Theory

Module 2: Comparative politics

Module 3: Public Administration

Module 4: International Relations

Module 5: European Integration

In the meantime, the project coordinators are working with a marketing plan for the master and the involvement of other actors which could serve later as institutions for students (internship).