Seminars of Excellence will be launched in May 2017

Seminars of Excellence will be launched in May 2017

While the call for applications for the joint Master in Political Science – Integration and Governance is about to be launched for the 2017-2018 intake, the euroPS partners are working on the Seminars of Excellence that will be held in May 2017 in Tirana, Skopje, Prishtina and Sarajevo. The Seminars of Excellence are the result of the cooperation between lecturers from Western Balkan partner universities with EU universities. The Seminars of Excellence were developed during the lecturers’ training in Spring 2016 in Salzburg, Ljubljana and Paris. Lecturers’ worked together to co-design these seminars in specific topics related to the modules of PoSIG such as geopolitics in Western Balkans, identity politics, human rights and democracy, environmental politics and international relations, local comparative governments, leadership in public administration. The Seminars of Excellence in Albania will be co-organised by the European University of Tirana and the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Tirana. In addition, the europs e-learning platforms will be used for students to receive information prior to the seminar and also an evaluation will be conducted at the end. The communication of the Seminars of Excellence has already started with BA and MA students in political sciences and related fields.