Roadshow “We encourage Western Balkans” in Pristina

Roadshow “We encourage Western Balkans” in Pristina

At the UBT premises in Pristina, UBT held the roundtable titled “We Encourage Western Balkans” in order to promote and present to the students and other stakeholders the EuroPS project – Development Curriculum for the joint program at the master level in European Political Science, but at the same time to promote the values ​​of peace, democracy and solidarity in the 60th anniversary of the European Union.

The roadshow brought together students, lecturers, researchers, CSOs and other stakeholders interested in political sciences studies, higher education and Europeanisation of Republic of Kosovo. This meeting also served as a platform to promote the excellent cooperation between University of Salzburg and two Kosovar universities, UBT and Fama.

On this occasion, the Rector of UBT, Dr. Edmond Hajrizi said that the purpose of this project is to make positive and useful changes benefiting Western and Western European students in general. “This program is the first of its kind in Europe, created with the co-operation of some major and important regional and European universities, and as such, it will be a major contribution to higher education and political science students, especially in Kosovo, “said Hajrizi, as he indicated that all policy areas are included in this program.

In the other hand, Dr. Franz Kok presented in detail the new program, showing the progress of this program, from the initial idea to its accreditation, and stated that such a program is not only encouraging for the states Western Balkans, but also for the whole Europe. According to Mr. Kok, another important element is the admission of students to this study program, which according to him, enrolled students should make important decisions about themselves, including the selection of the field for specialization, the selection of universities where they will study, but also to develop a career-building strategy.

Finally, the representative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Qamile Sinanaj, emphasized that this program is in harmony with the new strategic plan for higher education in Kosovo, which aims the internationalization of Kosovar higher education.

“The PoSIG program has all the necessary components in terms of quality, and it is an added value because it promotes domestic and international cooperation,” said Sinanaj.