Quality Management meeting in Skopje

Quality Management meeting in Skopje


The Euro-PS staff held its following activity during 28 th of September until 2 nd of October at the premises of the Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research of the University of “Ss Cyril and Methodius”, in Skopje. The meeting focused on quality management and establishing ways to develop a quality management handbook. The handbook provides a summary of all quality management measures implemented for the EuroPS master’s program. In particular, the aims of implementing a QMS for EuroPS were established with the aim at assuring a vital quality circle; a shared understanding of quality and QM; a support and supervision the EuroPS curriculum development and the application for its accreditation; developing and guarantying QM capacities, esp. among members of the QM Board; as well as setting the provision, maintenance and use of various QM-tools. Furthermore, the meeting proceeded with the teaching handbook preparation and the teaching e-portfolio.