National Erasmus+ Office conducts monitoring visit in Tirana

The National Erasmus+ Office in Albania in accordance with the plan of the EACEA conducted the monitoring visit of our EuroPS project on Monday, 13 th March 2017 at the premises of the European University of Tirana. The aim of the visit was to monitor the progress of the project so far in Albania. Dr. Blerjana Bino did a thorough presentation on the progress of each work package, deliverables, results and planed activities. In addition, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Orinda Malltezi discussed the achievements and challenges faced at the project implementation. The staff members shared their experience with the EuroPS particularly regarding lecturers’ training and Seminars of Excellence. The Head of the Office, Ms. Edit Dibra, as well as Ms. Elona Saraçi and Mr. Oltion Pengu represented the National Erasmus+ Office. The European University of Tirana was presented by the project coordinator, Dr. Blerjana Bino and staff members of the EuroPS: Prof. Assoc. Dr. Enri Hide; Elvin Gjevori, PhD; Dr. Anjeza Xhaferaj; Dokt. Ketrina Çabiri Mijo and Lutjona Lula. The Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana was represented by the project coordinator, Prof. Assoc. Dr. Orinda Malltezi as well as staff members Dr. Klodiana Beshku and Dr. Nysjola Dhoga. This was then followed up by a presentation of credit mobility by Ms. Lutjona Lula.
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