EuroPS project at European Erasmus conference in Tampere

The annual meeting of the Western European network of Erasmus coordinators in Political Science, Public Administration and International Relations from 8-11 June 2016 at the University of Tampere had internationalisation strategies, academic mobility and dual/joint degrees on the agenda. Dr. Franz Kok gave presentation on how the EuroPS project develops a model for multilateral management of such cooperation. The participating experts worked on the issue of deepening of cooperation as the European Commission wants to support with new types of project as Strategic Partnerships and Erasmus+ Capacity Building. To develop more than bilateral, mostly on personal relation based cooperation and the need of organisational arrangements needed for this was intensively discussed. The so called “Monika-Network” of more than 45 departments results from the experienced academic cooperation of these departments within different consortia and projects. It is the most influential platform for academic cooperation in Europe and organized as loose and informal network (details: ). Therefore the EuroPS project is very pleased to welcome this network to the final conference of EuroPS in Sarajevo from 7-11 June 2017. This cooperation shall allow inclusion of the Western Balkan Political Science partner to the existing Western European structures for academic mobility and cooperation and give an opportunity to show the results of EuroPS as possible model integrated international academic cooperation of universities.
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