Coordinators’ Boards Meeting – From EuroPS to PoSIG

The first Coordinators’ Board meeting for 2017 was held in Salzburg between 31 January and 03 February 2017 in Salzburg, whereby all project coordinators from partner universities participated. The aim of the meeting was: first, to discuss the progress of the accreditation process at the European level and at the national level; second, to work on the details of the call for applications for the first intake of students for the joint master programme Political Science – Integration and Governance (PoSIG). In addition, the coordinators’ board discussed and agreed upon the upcoming activities such as the road shows in the Western Balkan partners at the end of April 2017; the final conference in Sarajevo in June 2017 as well as other communication activities. Bilateral meetings where held on the 31 January and 03 February to plan in details the Seminars of Excellence that will be organised in May 2017 between EU and WB universities following the lecturers’ workshops in 2016. The next Coordinators’ Board will take place in Ljubljana on the 24-27 May 2017 along with the Students’ Board first meeting.
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