Coordinators’ Board Meeting in Salzburg

The Coordinators’ Board held a meeting in November 2016, in Salzburg working on the Joint Master Degree in Political Science – Integration and Governance (PoSIG). During the meeting the Board discussed further development of the project and the courses. The consortium members also worked on detailed admission information and opening the possibility for students to apply in February 2017. The programme is expected to initiate with first generation of students in September 2017. The consortium is also considering expanding the partnership network in terms of third partners. Also, Dr. Franz Kok was elected as Executive Director of the EuroPS consortium without a dissentient vote. Application for Erasmus+ JD funds was prioritized and the partners are working together to achieve positive results in this direction. Coordinators’ Board set the agenda for 2017 which includes quality meetings, seminars of excellence, applications for E+JD, and finally the conference in Sarajevo.
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