CfP: Erasmus Meeting 2017 “Bridges within Europe!”

CfP: Erasmus Meeting 2017 “Bridges within Europe!”

EUROPS Consortium is pleased to announce the Call for Papers for our final project conference. This conference is organised together with the annual meeting of our partners in European projects on academic exchange and collaboration in different projects in Political Science, Public Administration and International Studies. It is addressed to coordinators and researchers involved in and our networks at Western Balkans as  (&friends!) and our partners in Erasmus+ Credit Mobility activities in the Black Sea region.

The idea of the conference is expressed in its title: “Bridges within Europe!”

The traditional annual meeting of the so called “Monica´s Network” of about 40 departments visible at  shall be used to connect this network with partner institutions in Political Science, Public Administration and International Studies from Western Balkans and the Black Sea region but also to intensify collaboration within and between these regions. At the same time it is the final conference of a classical Erasmus+ Capacity building project on “Curriculum Development joint European Political Science MA“ (euroPS).

The target groups are:

  • Erasmus coordinators, project managers for European projects;
  • Teachers, researchers and deans in Political Science, Public Administration and International Studies

The goals and opportunities are:

  • Exchange of experiences and development of new collaborations and activities within the Erasmus+ framework.
  • Integration of Western European networks of coordinators and teachers in these fields with experienced partners from Western Balkans and the Black Sea region.
  • Teachers/Researchers getting orientation about Erasmus+ program opportunities from exchange up to capacity building like Jean Monnet etc.
  • Coordinators and managers get new orientations about program management and teaching standards to develop new collaboration.

Call for papers:

Teachers/researchers with long experience an young colleagues with new ideas about teaching welcome with papers presenting their courses, modules and teaching methodologies.

Please sent your contributions to who is collecting your proposals – Deadline for submission is the 20 May 2017.

Full programme and call for papers download PDF