PoSIG Teacher Academy is an annual conference of teacher and researcher connected to the academic consortium network of this Joint MA Political Science – Integration & Governance program. The purpose of this annual meeting is to collect teaching and research approaches on Political Science topics connecting to the multilateral integration of political systems. The special topic is changing from year to year and is resulting from the needs and interests of the partner institutions connected to the program.
The PoSiG Teacher Academy 2025 provides a platform for academic and practical discourse addressing the intersection of historical taboos and regional and international integration. Scholars, educators, and policymakers are invited to contribute their insights and research on the capacity to engage politically with historical legacies—such as war crimes, crimes against humanity, expulsions and displacement, ethnic cleansing, and border disputes—as a key variable in fostering multilateral integration, particularly in regions aspiring to EU membership.
With this highly relevant theme, the workshop forms the academic contribution to the European Capital of Culture 2025 in Gorizia and will be held at Location Department of Political and Social Sciences, Gorizia campus and embedded in the local and regional opportunities for excursions and historic places of a region. Isonzo, Carst and the mass graves, Gorizia’s State Border Museum. Will be part of the program to bring academic findings into direct confrontation to historic locations and ways of memory management.
See full program attached Below